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Dear Friend: Your well-written piece properly attacks DeSantis' legal assault on federalism at both the federal and state level. The latter, of course, varies among state constitutions. On so many levels, this rejects the concept of community, the concept of public health, and represents how libertarians have assumed power in the Republican Party and exalt their new savior - the unfettered rights of individual - as the supreme legal principle.

My only objection is your insistence, especially in the penultimate paragraph, to imply progressives alone must resist this. There are numerous citizens who recognize that modern federalism is more a tenet of conservative politics. More importantly, there are objections, such as those I note, among many others, that arise from a communitarian constitutionalism that exists as a meld of what most, and about which you write in these last paragraphs, categorize as "liberal" or "conservative" and "progressive" or "right wing."

To the extent that your piece largely avoids writing to reinforce the beliefs of its audience, I applaud your writing.

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